Jamison Family

S.S.L.E.D. 2018


Your Secret Santa needs to know

the best way to spend some dough.

You best leave your gifting wish

or you might receive a smelly fish!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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  1. [email protected] November 30, 2018

    Hi all, this is Adam, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. To my Secret Santa more specifically, I have a relatively short list of stuff that I want:

    1.) Nintendo Switch games (other than smash bros)
    2.) Boy Scout backpack for hiking/ camping
    3.) Basically anything you’d think I would be interested in, I’m not entirely sure what I want…

  2. [email protected] November 30, 2018

    Smelly fish? Did you want some Poke?
    XL shirts for work
    Any hypo-allergic no posts earrings
    Reading light
    Peace on Earth
    Health for all

  3. [email protected] November 30, 2018

    BTS β€˜zzz’ beanie
    BTS wings album (DVD)
    Magnet building blocks

  4. [email protected] November 30, 2018

    Hello mi familia!
    This year I of course want peace on earth, however,that is not in your control…so Here’s my list
    Running / Walking shoes not sure of the size (a gift card would work ;o)
    bed sheets for a cal king
    of course I always love good smelling soaps/lotions along the aquatic and/or honeysuckle
    I wish for a magnificent year for all my family and many blessings for you all!!! xxxo

  5. [email protected] December 2, 2018

    Merry Christmas!

    A diffuser with good smelling oils kit.
    Or, good smelling wax melts (I have the melters.)
    Textured bath towels (I like the bumpy or lined effect)–I don’t have a color for my bathroom yet–color choice is open
    Gel-like nail polish
    Neutrla eye shadow–flat/non-sparkly
    Peace on Earth!

  6. Lila December 2, 2018

    Merry Christmas!!
    I would like:
    Neon Sharpies
    A Queen(and or Freddie Mercury) Shirt
    Haikyuu or Parasyte(those are anime’s) poster

    Thank you!!😊😊😊

  7. Mom aka Grammy December 2, 2018

    For Mom / Grammy
    Apparently, she mentioned things she wanted to some individuals, so go with that.
    Her not already mentioned list
    full sized wallet – like a clutch (she could also use a purse with a long strap that she can use with her walker – just an observation)
    Gold Bond lotion – she says that works best
    1 medium weight nightgown – usually size Medium
    A clicker (I’m thinking remote, but I’m not entirely clear) for her bedroom light

  8. [email protected] December 2, 2018

    1. Curly Girl: The Handbook by Lorraine Massey
    2. The 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman
    3. Yell Less Love More by Sheila McCraith
  9. Andrew December 3, 2018

    Hello, family! Here are some ideas for my Secret Santa:

    -ironing board
    -full-size bed sheets
    -machine-washable, non-itchy comforter
    -double-A batteries
    -USB-C cables
    -three French hens
    -two turtle doves

    The Italian Renaissance by J.H. Plumb
    The World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig
    All of Us: The Collected Poems by Raymond Carver

    BLU RAY:
    Chimes at Midnight
    Hail Caesar!

    Airbnb, Ikea, Marshall’s, Ross, Target, Trader Joe’s

    Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night, plus twenty-two or so more good nights, as well!

  10. Lila December 4, 2018

    Oh, and my T-shirt size is Medium/large

  11. [email protected] December 4, 2018

    Hello family!!
    I wish you all a peaceful Christmas season, filled with love and joy, oh, and Peace on Earth . . . it begins with me! While I’m working on that, I’d like some material items as well πŸ™‚
    leg warmers for ballet (it’s cold!)
    ballet shoes (Danzcue, canvas, double sole, size 8M, in "pink" or black, or something comparable, on Amazon)
    Light weight, zip-up, neutral colored (to include grey), "hoodie" size large (but it doesn’t have to actually have a hood, lol)
    e-Gift Card for Edens Garden Essential Oils (non-MLM, great oils, great prices, free shipping in US, highly recommend! This is so I can gather up oils to start making my own facial care products)
    iTunes gift cards (I always want/need more music)

    Love to all! XXXO

  12. [email protected] December 4, 2018

    This little man grows so fast, so he can always use more clothing! Size 10-12 on tops (currently need long sleeve!), size 10-12 on bottoms too!!
    Snow bibs to fit size 12, I’d say (he’ll be in skiing lessons for 4 Wednesdays in January through his Charter school)
    Ski gloves, youth size large or adult small should work
    LEGO Minecraft; "The Nether Flight", "The Melon Farm", "The Zombie Cave", "The Chicken Coop", "The Polar Igloo", "The Farm Cottage" (he’s trying to build a LEGO Minecraft little world. Any of these will do!! Please let me know if you get one of these for him just so I can attempt to keep track and not get, or cause other shoppers to get the same thing. Thank you!)

    Much love!

  13. Ian December 5, 2018

    Ian here.

    Nathan For You: The Complete Series! This is on sale for pre-order now–releases 12/11/18.

    Amazon Gift Cards are always nice.

    The Real Book: Sixth Edition!

    Blessings and love to all!

  14. [email protected] December 6, 2018

    tregar pellets for my grill available at costco and some ace hardware stores

  15. [email protected] December 12, 2018

    Hi everyone!

    I would like some ankle weights (preferably 5 pounds – 2 1/2 on each weight), WITHOUT sand (the ones I have currently are sand and are getting sand everywhere).
    Whatever book you think I would like.
    Body wraps for dance – size: small adult.
    Leg warmers, preferably stirrup – size: probably small if not one size fits all

  16. Fred the elder December 16, 2018

    Digital music card like iTunes would be very nice!

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