Jamison Family

S.S.L.E.D. 2012

 Someone needs your wish list, whether you were naughty or nice.

 So, make your list and check it twice! 

And offer your Secret Santa a little shopping advice.


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  1. Cay November 23, 2012

    -Computer Mouse
    – Office Chair
    – Detail Car
    – Letter Opener
    – Locksmith
    – 3 Rose Bushes: yellow, white & red

  2. [email protected] November 25, 2012

    Sara – Cotton dress style pajamas- size 7, jmedium jacket- size 7, Barbie and Ken clothes or gear (has kitchen andt car), DS games (they have spongebob blobs of doom, mario cart 7, asphalt 3d, spongebob squiggle pants, lego Indiana Jones, carnival games, puzzler word) and WII games-
    Adam – DS games (see above), WII games -need to check for which one they don't have, jeans – size 9, Nice pants -size 9
    Hussein – I tunes gift card or I-phone accessory that looks neat.
    Jean- size 10 pants with pockets for work, black belt, nice roomy purse, kitchen pot holders/towel set, lavender massage oil, lavender soap

  3. [email protected] November 25, 2012

    Oh yeah! Peace on Earth!

  4. Conway's November 28, 2012

    Jacob; Trucks! Fire trucks, dump trucks, backhoe, front loader, etc. Wii games for 3-5 year olds. Clothing size 4T (pants, longs sleeves, & jammies). Large GI Joe type (beginner, not a lot of tiny pieces) action figures.

    Evie; La Dee Da dolls (specifically "Dee" in her "Bollywood Bright" outfit but any will do), Kid friendly CD's for her CD player in her room (I got a Disney Channel "mixed" CD with the songs from her shows, for example. Maybe a Wizards of Waverly Place soundtrack. She also likes Katie Perry). Books level 5 or above, idea: "Imagination Station" – I wrote it down when she said she was interested, I think it may be a Christian book series, not sure)

    Maggie; Running/walking shoes, Mazuno "Wave Rider 15" (or newer version of the same shoe), Women's size 9. (These may be pricey so a gift card for part of them would work). Cotton shorty (ankle height) socks, any color(s). iTunes gift cards. Anything consumable, and not necessarily food (ex: big slow burning candles, body spray, lotions, hand soak/manicure fuffu stuff, etc. But I don't really take baths, fyi) I also need clothes and I know it's boring, but a gift card would be best because I'm not sure exactly what I want. We have JC Penney, Kohl's, Sears, and a Macy's and I can get to a Burlington too, it's just a little farther.

    Justin/household; grill accessories, especially brush! running clothing, pot-holders, silverware 🙂 I know, I know, getting outta control here

    Peace on Earth for all and to all Merry Christmas!

  5. Conway's November 28, 2012

    P.S. We will be in Scottsdale for Christmas this year from about 12/20 through 12/29 – YAY!!! 🙂

  6. Carpenters November 30, 2012

    Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth!

    Lila–still a little big, but buying size 10 now – winterish clothes – long sleeve t-shirts, thick style leggings (won't wear denim jeans), DS games–has a few, Super Mario Bros for sure, but can check the others if needed, water color paints, paintbrushes, sketch pad, craft kits (age 7)

    Joan–iTunes card, pot holders–what a concept! (thanks for the idea, Conways), Holiday Hand Towels, Santikos Theater (Silverado San Antonio) gift card, Amazon gift certificate for ebooks–have a Kindle, and/or have yet to read/purchase books 2 and 3 of Hunger Games

    Scott–iTunes card, Amazon gift certificate–have a Kindle, have yet to read….?

  7. Fran December 1, 2012

    Kitchen linens – towels, potholders
    Holiday kitchen linens
    belt – brown or black 36"
    Courageous – blue ray movie (or any other film you think I might like)
    Gift certificate to Tommy Nails ;o)

    And Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all mankind
    Merry Christmas!!!

  8. Andrew December 2, 2012

    -Handheld electronic dictionary

    -Blood Horses by John Jeremiah Sullivan
    -Pulphead by John Jeremiah Sullivan
    -Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats

    -Cash or gift certificates (bookstores, Gap, Amazon)

  9. Anne & John December 4, 2012

    John – jump tickets from either Skydive Arizona in Eloy or Skydive Phoenix in Maricopa. I am happy to purchase for you (but I expect to be reimbursed!).

    Anne – gift cards to Kohl's, Lucky Jeans and/or DSW; a nice bottle of wine; cool placemats (4); funky bracelets

    And, peace on earth!

    Happy Christmas and Merry New Year

  10. [email protected] December 7, 2012

    Mark: Gift certificate for Steam or Best Buy.

    Autumn: Cardinal gear of any kind (except a hat), serving dishes, baking pans (pyrex, please), Bissell Steam and Sweep, and KindleFire HD

    Winter: Clothes (18 or up)

  11. Ian December 11, 2012

    Fancy holiday gifts might include:

    to nourish my graduating efforts.

    Art Supplies:
    36+ set of colored pencils (trying to upgrade from Crayola, seeking brands such as Prismacolor, Fantasia, Sargent Art)

    Stabilo colored pen set

    Thinking, Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman

    The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business, by Josh Kaufman

    How to Talk to Anyone, by Leil Lowndes

    $100 Dollar Startup, by Chris Guillebeau

    The Wall Street MBA 2nd Ed., by Reuben Advani

    lists of this sort, though never complete, take me HOURS, sorry if my post has proven untimely.

  12. Ryan December 13, 2012

    Headphones would be nice.

  13. [email protected] December 15, 2012

    remote helicopter – cheapest @ big 5 or a restaurant gift certificate

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