Jamison Family

S.S.L.E.D. 2014

Thanksgiving is over and Friday is black.

That means its time for my Secret Santa hack….

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  1. Fran December 6, 2014

    As always, lovely smelling soap – lotion – etc is good
    holiday towels for the new bathroom (cranberry and dark green :o)
    a Gatling gun, (of course I kid)
    pajama pants (Large)
    warm shirts / sweatshirt (also large)
    any cool Christian rock music
    And, of course, Peace on Earth – if any of you can deliver on that, a winning lottery ticket would not go amiss ;o)

  2. Matthew December 7, 2014

    Grill cover for the lil'Tex Traeger grill (BBQ07E). http://www.traegergrills.com/shop/detail/BAC260#.VIR1ozHF98E

    Wood pellets for Traeger gill, any type. http://www.traegergrills.com/shop/pellets

  3. Andrew December 8, 2014

    -Beard trimmer
    -DVD: Inside Llewyn Davis, Sunset Boulevard, Life of Brian, Mad Men (seasons 2+)
    -Blu-Ray: Baraka
    -As ever, cash or gift cards: Gap/Old Navy, Ross, Marshall's, Amazon, Target, Trader Joe's

  4. [email protected] December 9, 2014

    Maggie: If you drew me this year, it's your lucky year because I really just want to get my music collection caught up so, please, iTunes gift card(s)!! I have a very long list of songs/albums to load 🙂

    Evie: She has really grown! She no longer has a decent winter jacket/coat. Something appropriate for colder nights in AZ but also could get her by in the snow. Her favorite color right now is teal/aqua. Size – get this – Small in JUINIORS!! :-0

    Jacob: anything from the Lego "Creator" series will cause Jacob to be your best friend! Don't worry about the age range of the project because Jacob and Daddy love to build together as a team 😉

    PEACE ON EARTH!! Love to all . . .

  5. Joan December 9, 2014

    Peace On Earth!
    Joan – iTunes gift card, Amazon gift card, practical earrings–silver/gold/colors. For a change from the usual–could use a set of computer speakers–I have no idea if you need more specs than that or bookshelf speakers and speaker wire for receiver. Music non-stop.
    Lila–warm clothes–top size 14/16, bottoms size 12/14 She will rarely wear jeans because of comfort, so dress/skirt and leggings are the best bet. Sketch/Drawing pads. Paint and brushes. Fun arts and crafts activities or kits if you see them.
    Love to all!

  6. [email protected] December 9, 2014

    I need potholders (not oven mitts), whisks, spatulas and a cheese grater.

    If you wold like to purchase anything for Winter she is in 4T at the moment and anything educational is favorable over just plan toys or books.

    Other than that, I am pleading to you all for help in the clothes department for Erik. I have nothing and am in need of everything from NB to 12 months. I'm desperate here so whatever you can give to help is greatly appreciated.

    Love you! Merry Christmas!

  7. [email protected] December 9, 2014

    Forgot to mention that my kitchen colors are black and white.

  8. Ian December 10, 2014


    Compact Discs
    Stevie Wonder CD's: Songs in the Key of Life, Journey Through The Secret Life Of Plants, Innervisions
    Kate Bush CD's: Never For Ever, The Kick Inside
    George Gershwin CD's: Sweet Little Devil, Tip Toes & Tell Me More
    Cameo CD's: Definitive Collection, Greatest Hits, Gold

    Manuscript Paper, either 'Carta' (sheets or book, either way) or 'G. Henle Verlag' (the dark blue book) if possible.

    Chimes Ginger Candies are my new favorite candy.

    Paints are always appreciated

  9. [email protected] December 11, 2014

    Christmas List 2014:
    Peace on Earth
    Blonde hair
    Amazon gift card(s)
    Tommy Nails gift card
    a soft comfy throw blanket – any size, any color
    southwest airlines gift card(s)

    That is all. Ho, ho, ding, ding.
    Love to all and a Merry Christmas.

  10. Mom aka Grammy December 14, 2014

    stats for outdoor ceiling fan
    lamp shades
    please no more jewelry
    I'm guessing Peace on Earth

  11. Fred the Elder December 14, 2014

    Outlaw Star – Anime DVD or Blu-Ray, start of the series.
    Resident Evil Retribution – Blu-Ray
    Kitchen towels – tan
    11 inch Fry Pan

  12. Ryan December 14, 2014

    A photo shop subscription

  13. Sam December 17, 2014

    I really couldn't think of much! Sorry guys.
    – Amazon gift cards are ideal. Target, Half-Price Books, and Changing Hands gift cards are also awesome.
    – World Peace.
    – End of poverty and world hunger.

    Happy X-Mas family! I love you all so much! Xo


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