Jamison Family

S.S.L.E.D. 2011



The first gift of the season; the gift of a list of what you want for your Secret Santa.  

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  1. [email protected] November 25, 2011

    For Christmas this year I would like:
    a padfolio (business note book for on the go – nothing too fancy)
    step in slippers
    good smelly soap / lotion
    gift cards,
    – surprise me! :o)

    and of course, peace on eart

  2. [email protected] November 28, 2011

    We would love to be together with ALL our family this year for Christmas, but since that won't happen just yet, here's some ideas for Secret Santa . . .

    ~ fun socks, medium weight, in all different colors, or multi-colored, or brown and black if you're not feeling adventurous
    ~ walking/work-out cotton pants in any color other than black (I already have a black pair)
    ~ denim jacket (it's time for a jean jacket again, hahaa)
    instead of the above, gift card(s) to JC Penney or Burlington Coat Factory or Kohl's would work too
    ~ We have a piano so sheet music would be fun. Use your imagination, I can read notes, but it's been a while, so beginner/intermediate stuff might be cool. Maybe a book of Christmas carols. Some Ian Jamison original works would be fantastic too and something for me to work my skill level up to 🙂
    ~ Other than that, think consumable, not necessarily food and surprise me . . . I find great joy in the simple pleasures of life

    Evie (she actually sat down a wrote a list out this year so this is from her. She was using a Target catalog to help her, fyi):
    ~ Barbie Designable Hair Extensions and Doll (@ Target)
    ~ Password Journal (@ Target)
    ~ Disney Hedbanz (game @ Target)
    ~ Crayon Maker (@ Target)
    ~ Barbie and the Fairy Secret (movie)
    ~ Long sleeve shirts with built in vests (? your guess is as good as mine)
    and that's only some of what she wrote down, lol!

    Jacob (Evie helped put a list together for Jacob too)
    ~ Alligator or blue bunny slippers (or any kind, that's just what Evie wanted) Size 8 toddler
    ~ Little People stuff (he already has a dump truck, a tractor, a car garage and the farm)
    ~ Elmo toy (he like Elmo right now)
    ~ Aquadoodle Color Mat (@ Target may be too big to ship, not sure)
    ~ Finger paints
    ~ He also loves playing with trucks and cars so anything like that would be fun too

    Ooops, almost forgot . . . Peace on Earth for all Mankind!

  3. [email protected] December 1, 2011

    Merry Christmas!

    -a wallet
    -earrings–gold, silver, or black — simple designs are good
    -always a fan of gift cards–iTunes, Amazon

    -a toy pet unicorn with wings
    -barbie clothes
    -clothes–sz 7/8 top and bottom
    -shoes–sz 2

    and yes, Peace on Earth-Good will towards man!

  4. Andrew December 7, 2011

    Contradiction by Calvin Klein (fragrance)
    Vegetarian cookbooks (general/Indian/Mexican)
    Gift cards (Amazon, bookstores, Total Wine)

  5. Ramadan Family December 9, 2011

    Adam – ipod, ipod touch, wii games, legos. He wears size 8/9 tops and size 8 bottoms, camera
    Sara – Barbie clothes, Ken doll, camera computer accessories, DS. she wears size 6 generally
    Hussein – Flip flops Size 9 men, He wears size large shirts and 34 waist shorts/pants
    Jean – Massage Oils, clothes – shirts size L or XL and pants size 12 (calvin klein suit – size 10)
    And of course Peace on Earth

  6. [email protected] December 11, 2011

    Merry Christmas Everyone! I know this year, we aren't all going to be together but in my heart we will!

    Autumn: There's really only one thing that I need, nursing clothes, gift certificates to JCPenny and Target

    Winter: Clothes (9 mos or older), play mat, other than that I'm clueless

    Mark: Battlefield 3 (PC Only)

  7. [email protected] December 16, 2011

    swiffer mom
    swiffer duster
    detail (cleaning) car
    3 rose bushes (for back patio) red yellow and white


  8. Ian J December 18, 2011

    ca$h, pull-up bar, 30 lb dumbells, red bull, aveeno

  9. [email protected] December 18, 2011

    Forget Battlefield. Autumn and Winter need some spoiling.

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