Jamison Family

S.S.L.E.D. 2011



The first gift of the season; the gift of a list of what you want for your Secret Santa.  

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  1. fjamonline@gmail.com November 25, 2011

    For Christmas this year I would like:
    a padfolio (business note book for on the go – nothing too fancy)
    step in slippers
    good smelly soap / lotion
    gift cards,
    – surprise me! :o)

    and of course, peace on eart

  2. jjamonline@gmail.com November 25, 2011

    Great SSLED posts

  3. meconway2003@yahoo.com November 28, 2011

    We would love to be together with ALL our family this year for Christmas, but since that won't happen just yet, here's some ideas for Secret Santa . . .

    ~ fun socks, medium weight, in all different colors, or multi-colored, or brown and black if you're not feeling adventurous
    ~ walking/work-out cotton pants in any color other than black (I already have a black pair)
    ~ denim jacket (it's time for a jean jacket again, hahaa)
    instead of the above, gift card(s) to JC Penney or Burlington Coat Factory or Kohl's would work too
    ~ We have a piano so sheet music would be fun. Use your imagination, I can read notes, but it's been a while, so beginner/intermediate stuff might be cool. Maybe a book of Christmas carols. Some Ian Jamison original works would be fantastic too and something for me to work my skill level up to 🙂
    ~ Other than that, think consumable, not necessarily food and surprise me . . . I find great joy in the simple pleasures of life

    Evie (she actually sat down a wrote a list out this year so this is from her. She was using a Target catalog to help her, fyi):
    ~ Barbie Designable Hair Extensions and Doll (@ Target)
    ~ Password Journal (@ Target)
    ~ Disney Hedbanz (game @ Target)
    ~ Crayon Maker (@ Target)
    ~ Barbie and the Fairy Secret (movie)
    ~ Long sleeve shirts with built in vests (? your guess is as good as mine)
    and that's only some of what she wrote down, lol!

    Jacob (Evie helped put a list together for Jacob too)
    ~ Alligator or blue bunny slippers (or any kind, that's just what Evie wanted) Size 8 toddler
    ~ Little People stuff (he already has a dump truck, a tractor, a car garage and the farm)
    ~ Elmo toy (he like Elmo right now)
    ~ Aquadoodle Color Mat (@ Target may be too big to ship, not sure)
    ~ Finger paints
    ~ He also loves playing with trucks and cars so anything like that would be fun too

    Ooops, almost forgot . . . Peace on Earth for all Mankind!

  4. jonacarp@yahoo.com December 1, 2011

    Merry Christmas!

    -a wallet
    -earrings–gold, silver, or black — simple designs are good
    -always a fan of gift cards–iTunes, Amazon

    -a toy pet unicorn with wings
    -barbie clothes
    -clothes–sz 7/8 top and bottom
    -shoes–sz 2

    and yes, Peace on Earth-Good will towards man!

  5. Andrew December 7, 2011

    Contradiction by Calvin Klein (fragrance)
    Vegetarian cookbooks (general/Indian/Mexican)
    Gift cards (Amazon, bookstores, Total Wine)

  6. Ramadan Family December 9, 2011

    Adam – ipod, ipod touch, wii games, legos. He wears size 8/9 tops and size 8 bottoms, camera
    Sara – Barbie clothes, Ken doll, camera computer accessories, DS. she wears size 6 generally
    Hussein – Flip flops Size 9 men, He wears size large shirts and 34 waist shorts/pants
    Jean – Massage Oils, clothes – shirts size L or XL and pants size 12 (calvin klein suit – size 10)
    And of course Peace on Earth

  7. markpetro@cox.net December 11, 2011

    Merry Christmas Everyone! I know this year, we aren't all going to be together but in my heart we will!

    Autumn: There's really only one thing that I need, nursing clothes, gift certificates to JCPenny and Target

    Winter: Clothes (9 mos or older), play mat, other than that I'm clueless

    Mark: Battlefield 3 (PC Only)

  8. jjamonline@gmail.com December 16, 2011

    swiffer mom
    swiffer duster
    detail (cleaning) car
    3 rose bushes (for back patio) red yellow and white


  9. Ian J December 18, 2011

    ca$h, pull-up bar, 30 lb dumbells, red bull, aveeno

  10. markpetro@cox.net December 18, 2011

    Forget Battlefield. Autumn and Winter need some spoiling.

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