Jamison Family

S.S.L.E.D. 2013

Happy Holidays are here once more.

And buying all those gifts are quite a chore.

And the tradition continues, Its our yule-tide twist.

Where the first gift you give is your Secret Santa list.

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  1. [email protected] November 28, 2013

    Ho, ho, ding, ding! 🙂 Love to all . . .

    – "dress" watch
    – iTunes gift card(s)

    – Transformer Rescue Bots "Energize" (He needs Heatwave the Fire-Bot, Chase the Police-Bot and Bumblebee to go with his trailer!)
    – Little LEGO sets. (He just got a fire truck set to build labeled ages 5-7 and he loved it!)
    – Age appropriate Wii game we could all enjoy (??)

    . . . Evie is very difficult to shop for right now. She's size 14-16 with shoe size 4.5-5. She is probably ready for some moderately dangly earrings although she has more of other kinds of jewelry then she's know what to do with. She likes to read, write, and watch her shows on Netflix/DVR. She's taking American Sign Language classes after school. Here's some ideas from her "wish list" on Amazon (Amazon gift card could be an option as well);
    – The Hogwarts Library (Harry Potter)
    – Harry Potter The Sorting Hat Glow Puzzle

    Peace on earth and goodwill to mankind!

  2. Fran November 30, 2013

    Happy Happy Joy Joy,

    Stephen R Donaldson – The Last Dark
    a holiday sweater – XL
    gift cards – amazon, Target, generic
    surprise me

    and of course, Peace on Earth :o)

  3. Joan December 5, 2013

    -Peace on Earth, for sure

    –3/4 or full sleeve work shirts size XL (no buttoning, no ironing, easy care 🙂
    –earrings–simple styles like medium hoops, need red and black, (always can use silver and gold tones)
    –iTunes gift card

    –Polly Pockets (has some sets already–can call me if looking at these)
    –My Little Pony–Rainbow Dash 10" Plush (she has the other friends in that size)
    –Pajamas size 12-14
    –Slippers size 6
    –Loves flash cards — addition, subtraction, words, etc.

  4. [email protected] December 6, 2013

    Okay, Peace on Earth and

    — Kohl's gift card
    — Decaf K-cups (for new Kurig my husband is getting me!)
    — funky bracelets
    — Gift Certificate from Tommy Nails
    — gas card

  5. [email protected] December 7, 2013

    -gift card: Ikea, Amazon, DSW, Target
    -spices (i.e. cumin, turmeric, etc.)
    -garlic press
    -riding lawn mower
    -peace on Earth and one planet of equal or lesser value

  6. Cay aka Mom aka Grammy December 9, 2013

    – Letter opener
    – swap ceiling fan in front bathroom with ceiling fan in front bedroom
    – new lamp shades – they are currently white / off white
    – Printer for computer

    Of course, being a Mom, Peace : on earth, at home, among the children, and in all of us – prayers are always welcome!

  7. Ramadans December 10, 2013

    Hussein – He says 'nothing" but maybe an I-tune gift card would be good.

    Jean – A new digital camera, size XL blouses – getting into colors and agree with Joan – no iron/wrinkle free easy care, kitchen towels, massage oils

    Adam – He wears size 12 shirts and size 10 shorts, Boys size 6 flip flops and croc style shoes, He got a lot of toys in the US so I tunes gift card or Amazon gift card would be great

    Sara – She wears size 10/12 shirts and dresses and size 7/8 skorts, Nintendo DS games and WII games for girls or gift cards


  8. [email protected] December 11, 2013

    Speaker for the Dead (book)

    So I wasn't able to get my name on Thanksgiving. Also father doesn't know who I got. Please share if you know. Other wise I'll buy a gift for whoever doesn't get one after X-mass.

    The best place to contact me is facebook.

  9. [email protected] December 11, 2013

    Autumn – Amazon, Steam and Khol's gift cards
    Armband for New Galaxy S4
    Adjustable Headphone
    Notebooks and Pens (Colored)
    Low Carb Cook Books
    Yoga pants (long and short)
    Anything Arizona Cardinals
    *Also I have a wish list on Amazon if you need any other ideas. There are cheap items on there that probably won't cost mush to just ship to me. I would love it if you got anything off of my list!
    Might I just one thing on top of that, it might be a good idea for everyone to make wish lists on Amazon, Disney, Toys'r'Us, Best Buy, Lowe's etc. websites. Shipping directly to the person is now an option and around this time of year they will gift wrap for a small fee. We live all over the country and it would make things a little easier, since I don't know about you but I hate going to the post office this time of year, it just plan sucks.

    Winter – She love Curious George
    Anything Princess
    Books (she's getting bored with the ones we have)

    Mark – Amazon, Lowe's and Steam gift cards
    Armband for HTC Phone
    Running shorts and pants

    **Our current address: 5048 Hidden Forest Lane, North Charleston, SC 29420

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