Jamison Family

S.S.L.E.D. 2015

Make your list and check it twice.
Your Secret Santa will toil to make your wishes come true.
Remember, he knows if you’ve been naughty or nice
‘Cause he has access to the NSA’s file on you.

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  1. [email protected] November 30, 2015

    Since pretty much everything I want is WAY to expensive for our Secret Santa gifts, I have picked a few things that I would love to receive, and it's within a more reasonable price range.

    1. Back scratcher (Nothing wood, I will break that before I can even use it…seriously) LOL
    2 Steering wheel cover (Black or girly is fine, but… if you want extra awesomeness/best cousin ever points, something that represents Arizona would be GGGREAT)
    3. Yoga mat and 3 lb weights (whatever color is fine)
    5. A crafted gift (I love, love. love crafted gifts) 😉
    6. Lastly, a gift card to Amazon

    I hope this will help you on your quest to find the most special and perfect gift for me. Secret Santa, whoever you are, I love you and can't wait to see what you got me on Christmas morning.

    Love you all and I really hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!


  2. Andrew December 2, 2015

    Seasons greetings, my fellow incognito Kringles! Here are a few of my most wanted things:


    Selected Poems by Jorge Luis Borges
    Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow
    John Adams by David McCullough

    Joanna Newsom – Divers
    Boards of Canada – Tomorrow's Harvest

    Gift Cards:
    Amazon, Marshall's, Old Navy, Ross

    Ho-ho-hope that helps. Love to one and all!

  3. Joan December 3, 2015

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Lila–iTunes, Amazon gift cards. For clothes–She's a Junior 4-6.
    Joan-iTunes, Amazon gift cards. Earrings–simple styles, Peace on Earth!

  4. [email protected] December 5, 2015

    Ho, ho, ding, ding!!! (Yes, I borrowed from Fred!)

    This year I would like:
    – World Domination — strike that — PEACE!!!!
    – Dark roast DECAF coffee. Best to get on Amazon (36710 N 17th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85086)
    – Amazon Gift Card
    – Home Depot Gift Card (still working on the house)

    I guess that's it. Sorry, when I need something, I just buy it. I am open to a new sweater or fuzzy socks.

    Thank you,
    love Anne

  5. F. Ryan McAninch December 5, 2015

    Nerf N-Strike foam dart refill pack for work. IT get's pretty hectic.

    A painting I can put on my wall (if you are Sam XP)

  6. Matthew December 10, 2015

    Pellets for my Traeger grill found at the link below:


  7. Samantha December 11, 2015

    Happy Holidays Everyone!
    I hope the season finds you all happy and healthy! 🙂

    I can't think of much that I'm in desperate need of, but the following would be nice to have:
    – Peace on Earth of course, and an end to world hunger
    – Fictional Book(s) you enjoy

    I know it's boring, but Gift Cards:
    – Amazon
    – Express
    – Bath and Body Works
    – Ross
    – Victoria's Secret
    – Target/Walmart
    – Discount Tire Co. (I'm saving up to put new tires on my truck :p)

    Merry Christmas! Love ya! 🙂

  8. Ian December 11, 2015


    I would very much like a World Map that I can hang on the wall. Depictions of elevations and state boundaries would be a plus for such a map.

    A well-detailed Arizona map would also be quite appreciated.

    Thanks and Love,

  9. Adam December 13, 2015

    I would like
    -steam gift cards – url – http://www.steamcarddelivery.com/?gclid=CJjwh_zC2ckCFYpsGwodl8MFJA
    -anything Lego
    -3DS games

    Thanks! Love,

  10. [email protected] December 14, 2015

    Fran's list:
    Happy Christmas!!
    My needs are few….however
    Gift cards to: Kohls,
    any other place for jeans/clothes
    small lightweight hair dryer
    ear rings

    whatever you think I may like I probably will

    Peace on earth would be a magnificent bonus gift

  11. [email protected] December 14, 2015

    Grammy / Mom's list

    Gold Bond lotion
    new Lamp shades (suggest take old ones and find something similar)

    more coming will post when get the information

  12. Sara jean Hussein December 14, 2015

    Merry Christmas!
    Of course the top is Peace on Earth 😇😜
    For Sara:
    1. clothes- girls size 14 – simple dresses, skorts and tees
    2. Sweat suit jacket – purple is in now
    3. Set of Strawberry Shortcake dolls- yes, she's 10 but is into that
    4. Slip on shoes/thongs – women's size 7
    for Hussein:
    1. Tea tree oil
    2. Multi-purpose tool – like a leatherman
    3. I- tunes gift card
    for jean:
    1. Simple digital camera
    2. Size XL long sleeve blouses
    3. VPN access recommendations
    4. Hair toys

  13. [email protected] December 14, 2015

    Maggie: long stylish necklace(s), silver. Nothing super fancy, just classy. I'm just looking for the length to be slightly below the breast line.
    iTunes gift card please.

    Evie: juniors size small stretch pants, black. Any music – she's open – surprise her.

    Jacob: anything he can build with instructions are always a hit. He's mentioned a plane with launcher, dinosaur transformer, dinosaur Lego, or anything that flies Lego.

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