Jamison Family

S.S.L.E.D. 2016


The holidays are here and we are full of cheer.

It’s not in anticipation of the season pending, it’s to celebrate the 2016 election ending. 

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  1. [email protected] November 29, 2016

    Hello all! I may or may not have posted a wish list earlier because I couldn’t get it to post, but anyway, for Christmas I would like a good set of earbuds to substitute for my headphones at school and possibly a bluetooth speaker for the beach. Both are listed as links below…Thanks and Merry Christmas everyone!

    With love,
    Adam Ramadan

    Speaker: https://www.amazon.com/VicTsing-Wireless-Waterproof-Hands-Free-Speakerphone/dp/B00MYYCGKW/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1480443183&sr=8-5&keywords=waterproof+wireless+speaker

    Earbuds: https://www.amazon.com/KobraTech-Magnetic-Bluetooth-Headphones-Built/dp/B01IWPX664/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1480396671&sr=8-2-spons&keywords=earbuds+bluetooth+wireless&psc=1

    Thanks again and Merry Christmas!

  2. [email protected] December 1, 2016

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas this year, I miss you all terribly and love you very much. 💋💛
    Now, for my secret Santa, if you just can’t figure out what to get me, I will take a gift card to Amazon. 😉

  3. Sara, Hussein, and Jean December 2, 2016

    Damaged screw remover set (doesn’t ship to APO)
    Go pro accessories-underwater lights
    Bratz backyard beach bash doll or Bratz snow kissed Yasmin or snow kissed Jade (don’t ship to APO either)
    xl no iron long sleeve blouses/dark or prints
    Yahtzee to go
    Lavender massage oil
    Maybelline BB fresh light/medium makeup – beauty balm
    Manicure/pedicure set-Jil Jordan? We are at:
    : UNIT 64901, BOX 41, APO, AE, 09839 -602-288-9197(voice messages come thru)
    Oh yeah, Peace on Earth!!

  4. Fran December 3, 2016

    Merry Christmas to all and peace on earth! I am so blessed, I don’t know what I want. However, for my secret Santa..a.gift card is good, any album from Casting Crowns or Hawk Nelson (I have Diamonds ;o), or as always pretty smelling soap/lotion. Missing those of you out of town and sending all my Love!! xxxo

  5. Andrew December 3, 2016

    Hi everybody! Here is my wish list, in no particular order.

    ❆The Proud Tower by Barbara Tuchman
    ❆Five Revenge Tragedies (Penguin Classics)
    ❆Metaphysical Poetry (Penguin Classics)

    ❄Apocalypse Now
    ❄Hail, Caesar!
    ❄Withnail & I

    ❅The Roots of Chicha (compilation)
    ❅Boards of Canada – Tomorrow’s Harvest
    ❅Polygon Window – Surfing on Sine Waves

    ❊Ironing board
    ❊Harry’s razor blades
    ❊Gift cards are welcome as is anything you think I might like from where you live.

    God bless us, everyone! 🙂


  6. Ian December 4, 2016

    Season’s greetings!

    Some things that I want are The Real Book: Sixth Edition*, binoculars**, map of the United States, and plain T-shirts in any color, L or XL.

    *Here is a link for The Real Book: Sixth Edition:

    **10X40 or 10X50:

    Thank you and with love!

    Best Wishes,

  7. [email protected] December 7, 2016

    Hello lovely family!

    My wish list follows:
    Peace on Earth
    University of Arizona ball cap (for the beach!) preferably white hat with whatever emblem you think I would like
    Gift card to Amazon
    The winning lottery ticket
    Dark chocolate treats
    $$$ put onto my account at Skydive DeLand (www,skydivedeland.com for more information, but it is best to call (386) 738-3539, and put the funds under the name Anne McAninch)
    As I really need nothing, I would be happy with anything that my poor, put upon Secret Santa feels would be fun/appropriate.

    I am loving Florida and hope that any family members who would like to visit knows that we would love to have to come and stay or set you up in a local hotel. Disney World is only an hour away!

    Unfortunately, at this time, I will not be able to attend the celebrations for Mom’s birthday in April. But… that could change dates could be pinned down.

    I love you and miss you all,

  8. Joan December 10, 2016

    Merry Christmas!!
    and Peace on Earth!!

    this girl loves cats/kittens products in any form
    fake nails–blue/teal color and super glue to attach
    comfy/soft sweatshirts size large

    fuzzy slippers size 11-12 (sz 9-10 run a little small for me)
    2017 calendar
    the standard–earrings

    Love to all!!!

  9. [email protected] December 12, 2016

    Merry Christmas!!

    This year we are trying something a little different. I had the children do some searching online and then picked out some things they like on an Amazon wish list that I then made public. So, for visual ideas, please feel free to refer to the with list on Amazon. Of course, those items may be purchased or it can simply be a source of inspiration for the Santa inside you 🙂 (Go to Amazon.com, click on "Account & Lists", choose "Find a List or Registry" on the left, 2nd down, and then type in my email [email protected]. There are 21 items I think, mixed between the 3 of us:

    Blouses and larger/longer stylish necklaces (I have a pic I’ll try to load somehow). Size medium to large depending on the style. I can shop at Burlington, JC Penny, Macy’s, Sears and I think there’s a Kohl’s somewhere around here too. Gift cards are always welcome. Anything consumable is good too, candles, massage certificates, etc . . .

    She loves books but has a huge library at home. We have Barnes & Noble Nook and she’s often uploading the inexpensive books, so a gift card would be welcome and may be easier on keeping down the "stuff" in our house. Otherwise, she picked out several cute dress and shoe options on the wish list.

    He’s almost 7 and loves building, creating, playing, etc. Legos, circuit kit, other remote control toys, etc. His picks on the list are cute.

    We are sad we won’t be seeing the AZ crew this holiday season but are planning to make a trip for Mom’s Birthday no matter what! Looking forward to seeing you then.
    Love you XXXO

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