Jamison Family

S.S.L.E.D. 2017


Santa’s shop is in high gear. Getting ready to spread Christmas cheer.

Make your Secret Santa’s role easy. Or get ready for a gift that’s cheesy

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  1. Cay -aka- Mom - aka- Grammy November 30, 2017

    Fire Extinguisher
    Replacement motion sensor light for the patio
    2 night shirts (cold weather recommended)
    slacks – size 6-8
    pull on shirts -Medium (she has plenty of sweatshirts and sweaters)
    Of course, there is more and if any of you know it, please post

  2. [email protected] November 30, 2017

    I’m easy….an Amazon gift card is perfect!

    I hope all of you are safe and happy this Christmas season. I had such a wonderful time catching up with you all over Labor Day and look forward to doing it again in 2018. I love you all very much. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    P.S. Winter says that she would like a picture of all the cousins in a frame. She wanted to take part too. 🙂

  3. Fran December 1, 2017

    Jogging/running (okay, actually walking) suit L-XL
    night shirt XL
    2 quart saucepan with lid (mine has seen better days ;o)
    gift cards are always welcome

    Peace on earth, and goodwill to all of mankind
    Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

  4. Adam December 2, 2017

    Hi all! This is Adam wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas! This year I don’t want much, I just want money (shocker), but I do have some requests:
    •Super smash Bros. Amiibos (Ryu or
    •GameCube controller with Wii U adapter
    •Wii/Wii U games
    •New 3DS XL
    •Training butterfly knife
    •Good competition goggles for swimming

    Have an awesome Christmas!


  5. Andrew December 3, 2017

    Howdy, folks!

    Hope your Decembers are off to a jolly start.
    All in all, I’d say I’ve been pretty nice this year, so I’m happy to report that my Secret Santa needn’t worry about standing in long lines, trying to find that perfect lump of coal during the holiday rush. Instead, I’d invite you to please consider any of the following:

    Ironing board
    Amazon Fire HD 8 Tablet Case http://a.co/hzEcSTF
    Charles Portis books: The Dog of the South, Masters of Atlantis, Gringos
    You’re All Just Jealous of My Jetpack by Tom Gauld
    Nathan For You – Seasons 1 & 2 (DVD)
    Hail, Caesar! (Blu-ray/DVD)
    Alan Stivell – Renaissance of the Celtic Harp (CD)
    The Paramount Masters 1924-1932 (box set) http://a.co/20UttzQ
    Good For What Ails You: Music of the Medicine Shows 1926-1937 http://a.co/deNKVWU
    American Epic – The Collection (box set) http://a.co/aq5JAt9

    Merry Christmas to one and all!


  6. [email protected] December 6, 2017

    LOL – I suppose we should get our lists out to avoid "a gift that’s cheesy", although, cheesy gifts can be much fun too! Greetings from the Conways! We can’t wait to see the AZ family soon, we’ll be in town on Wed 12/27 and leave early the following Wed! New Year’s parties?? 😉

    Jacob: If you picked Jacob, you won the Secret Santa jack-pot! Jacob is SO easy to shop for right now. Just go to the toy section and take your pick. He loves, anything Lego, remote anything, helicopter anything, think BOY! If that’s not inspiring you, he also has a Nintendo 2DS gaming system and we have an old school Wii if you’d like to get him a game. Also, you may go to Amazon and check out our "Christmas Wish List" (directions below).

    Evie: If you picked Evie, you may be a little more challenged this year. As a 14 year old girl, she’s not even sure what she wants. Here are some ideas she gave me; Books: she would like more "Classics" that appeal to and/or are entertaining for her age. She mentioned having a book of crochet ideas/projects (she’s really good at crochet!). We’re attempting to update her bedroom this year so she asked for "inspirational posters with forest-like theme" as her accent walls are forest green and she’s hoping Santa brings her a comforter that is also forest themed with deep purples and greens. iTunes gift card for music. Amazon gift card for eBooks.

    Maggie: For clothes, they have a bunch of services out there now. I believe "StitchFix" is one of them. If possible, I would like a trial membership to one of those monthly, "here’s your outfit" services. SwimOutlet.com: swimsuit, "TYR" brand, "flyback" style, size 36; surprise me with the design/pattern! Walking shoes, mine are dead, lol. I have a pair on our Amazon wish list as an idea, but basically, I’m a size 8.5 in sneakers and, really, anything would be better than what I’m walking in now (I have previously been partial to "Mizuno" brand, although they’re pretty pricey!). Essential oils; anything that is for "calm" or "joy". I’m always in need of clothing and music so Kohls, Burlington, iTunes, etc . . . gift cards are always welcome.

    We have a "Christmas Wish List" on Amazon. It has s couple random things for Evie with clothes (sz small/7), some stuff for Justin for yard work, some stuff for me with clothes (sz M/L, 8.5) and the rest is Jacob’s laundry list of wishful thinking Lego sets lol. Go to Amazon, click "Find a List or Registry" in the Accounts/Lists dropdown. Type in my email: [email protected] and there it is. It’s a place to browse IDEAS, not necessarily get those exact gifts, but feel free to, if you’d prefer. 🙂

    God Bless everyone and to everyone … well, hopefully, peace on earth and peace in your hearts <3 XXXO

    P.S. I will likely get Mom/Grammy 1 cold weather nightgown and a pair of nice slacks – fyi! Let me know if that conflicts with anyone else’s plans!

  7. [email protected] December 8, 2017

    -pushed plush – stuffed animal (she has none now)
    -magazines – National Geographic or teen/tween magazines
    -big ear muffs
    Thank you from Sara
    – XL shirts for play or work
    – workout pants -size large
    – lotions and potions – lavender or citrus are my favourites
    – massage envy coupons (that can be used in Hawaii)
    – recipes for kitchen aide mixer
    – gadgets

    Peace on Earth!

  8. Ian December 8, 2017


    Hola familia

    -Amazon gift card
    -Arizona map to hang on my wall
    -Beeswax lead-free candles
    -Nice pen(s)
    -Plain tee shirts, L, slim fit

  9. Joan December 10, 2017

    Merry Christmas!!

    –Japenses brush pen/brush tip
    –gel pens
    –winter gloves sz L/XL

    –Wax warmer and waxes (Scensty like)
    –winter gloves size XL
    –ear rings–simple styles any color
    –open for surprises

  10. Joan December 10, 2017

    Oh–Our new address is:
    3722 Fiesta Trail
    San Antonio, TX 78245

  11. Fred the Elder December 17, 2017

    Sorry so late, time got away again. Understood if after the face.

    DVD/CD BURNER, external USB is fine; Windows 7
    Standard Stapler

    Ho Ding Ho Ding!

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